WBA + msstyles + Cursors + ExplorerBar + Icons Shell + Sounds + Wallpaper
The Christmas season is almost upon us. Christmas from LightStar Technologies is a theme that includes seven desktop wallpapers in standard and widescreen formats!
As always, the visual style version of this theme comes complete with visual style, icons (desktop only, with .iconzip), custom shellstyle, shutdown/logoff dialogs, explorer bar icons, custom cursors, system sounds and fonts, .theme files and an Installation.txt file to help you out! The Windowblinds version comes with a desktop wallpaper that applies automatically, shellstyle, shutdown/logoff dialogs, CursorXP theme and explorer bar icons. As a bonus, the desktop icons and the extra desktop wallpapers are included inside the .zip file. Christmas has NOT been tested in Windows Vista and is for Windows XP only. May you and yours have a safe and happy holiday season! Download Here with Installation Instructions